GDPR Overview

The European Union (EU) has introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect the fundamental right to privacy of EU residents effective from 25th May 2018. Astringent yet essential law to be enforced by the EU is made to date on how EU citizens’ and residents’ personal data is lawfully collected, processed and stored. Applicable to all organizations that process EU residents' personal data or have business arrangements with them to provide goods and services, the law gives the control back to the EU residents over the usage of their personal data.

Iyrix’s Commitment

We, the Iyrix family, are working at its best to be compliant with GDPR and feel privileged and responsible at the same time to maintain the sanctity of your data. We are committed to serving you in the best possible manner and continue to build our relationship on pillars of Transparency and integrity which forms the core of our corporate philosophy. In our continued efforts to become GDPR compliant, we have updated our policy to help you navigate and understand your privacy and rights better.

Please take a moment to glance through our policy here. Additionally, you can update your preferences with us and stay in complete control of your data. In this data-driven world, Iyrix is committed to the rudiments of securing personal data by ensuring privacy, security, confidentiality, integrity and availability and is revitalizing its systems, processes and approach to serve its clients better without compromising their information.